This range comes with an ‘X’ shape box type sub-frame offering sound resistance against bending forces and vibration stress by equally distributing the stress exposed on it.
Maximum Equipment, the southern African dealer for Turkish OEM Hidromek, will initially bring in four Hidromek models comprising the 14-ton (t) HMK 140W wheeled excavator, as well as the 14t HMK 140 LC-2, the 22t HMK 220 LC-2 and the 30t HMK 300 LC tracked excavators. “We will only focus on those for the time being. We will roll out the 37t and 50t models in future,” says Vaughan Ellis, managing director of Maximum Equipment.
This range comes with an ‘X’ shape box type sub-frame said to offer sound resistance against bending forces and vibration stress by equally distributing the stress exposed on it. The lower rollers are connected to the sub-frame by pentagon shape fittings to enhance the strength and lifetime of the frame. The standard long track is said to maximise the balance of the machine by providing a durable platform for the machine to work on. Two roller housings in each track keep track chains in straight direction and therefore prevent corrosion of lower rollers.
With the Automatic Powershift, when more power is needed during digging and travel, it is obtained by mounting engine revs per minute (rpm) and pump flow rate above setup value. With Automatic Idling, when levers are in the middle position with no movements, the electronic control system decreases engine rpm to 1 200rpm and then automatically switches the machine to idling to prevent unnecessary fuel consumption.
Equipment Africa says: This is a premium offering coming in a premium price. This is a highly specified machine with a lot of usually optional features offered standard. Upfront costs may be astronomical but this is a machine that can easily need no replacement in about seven years.